We set off from home at 23:30 hailed a cab and had a comfy ride to TMC. Upon our arrival at exactly 23:59 (no midnight charge.. whee~), the familiar environment gave me a sense of nostalgia... it reminded me of the time when I came here to visit Feli's twin sis Kelly and her then-newborn Cherry. But the look of the hospital against the dark night sky is rather daunting. Anyway.. so we proceeded in to get our admission done.
Took the admin staff just 35 minutes and we had all the paper work done, kudos to Feli for doing her homework prior to this and having all the necessary documents all ready in an envelope. We were then brought to one of the labour wards where one of the nurses prepared Feli for the labour while I was to go to the "Family Waiting Lounge" which consisted of nothing but a few single seater sofa and a few folded chairs strewn all over. The only saving grace to make the room worth staying in was the 50cent Milo Dispenser.

After a long wait, I finally rejoined Feli's side at 01:30 in one of the 3 bedded labour wards and there she was lying in the bed with the CTG strapped to her. Her contractions weren't that regular though she had problems sleeping with the pains. I dozed off in the chair a few times till at 05:15, we moved to the single bed labour ward where the real labour process will be taking place.
At 0630, Dr Lim Teck Chye finally arrived to burst the water bag (earlier than we expected but all is good... ^_^). At 08:30, a fish porridge breakfast was serve to Feli (We were told that Dr Lim is the few doctors who give food to patients, we are lucky, Feli said maybe other doctors have the concern about emergency C section, if that is required, no food should be given prior to operation). She could manage only 3 mouthfuls and then collapsed back into bed. Not letting it go to waste, I finished it without the nurses knowledge...hehee...
After a call from Dr Lim, the nurse came in to check on Feli's dilation and reported that it was at 5cm and told us that from hereon, the pain will be gradually increasing. A check again by the nurses at 14:40 suggested that it has increased to 9cm. By then already the agony on Feli's face pains me to no end. With each peak of her contraction, she grimaces in pain. I can only imagine the pain when she needs to push.

At 17:00, Dr Lim finally entered the room in his doctor's gown and checked to see if Feli was ready for delivery. To our shock, Dr Lim says that Renzo's head has not engaged and that her cervix was only 7cm (not all reports from nurses can be trusted i guess... -__-' ). Dr Lim instructed the nurses to change the drip to one that will further increase Feli's dilation and that he would return in an hour to review, to which if the conditions were still unfavourable, a C-section will ensue. Feli was devastated. Having endured all the pain throughout the night, morning and afternoon... to hear that the delivery might be via C-section, was just too much. With what little strength she had left in her, she coaxed Renzo verbally (I did my part too of course..=P ) in hopes that he will be ready for Dr Lim by the time he returns.

Sure enough, Dr Lim returned at 17:57. He did a check and smiled at both of us, "It is time... 90% chance that a natural birth will be successful, but it will be an assisted one." (I thought those were pretty good odds though Feli told me later that she didn't like the maths at all)
So with a suction cup the diameter of an average mug, Dr Lim expertly proceeded with the delivery. (I'll leave the details of the labour to Feli as she will be able to describe the process in greater details.)
And then... miraculously, we caught sight of Renzo's head, and with a greater urge, Feli managed to give birth to our first baby!!!
As I rewarded her with hugs and kisses for a job well-done, the nurses questioned,"Eh daddy... dunwan to take picture of your baby ah?"... Argh damn... where is the damn camera....
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