We went to Thomson Medical Centre as per our appointment to have Renzo checked up by Dr Ong Eng Keow, our paediatrician. We already have a few questions in mind over the past days as we observed Renzo. Amongst which was our need to know his Jaundice level as he is a shade too yellowish and also a reason for a blood spot that was found on his diapers on the same location that we discovered during his diaper changing.
The queue was long at the paediatric clinic (exactly what all the other forumers was ranting about) but at least we managed to secure a seat for Feli's mum and Feli. This checkup was supposed to ensure that baby is in good health. So we took a number and waited for our names to be called.
After a half hour wait, a nurse called out to Feli, "Mdm Chan?" So acknowledged and impressively, the nurse came over to us instead of us going to her. So she sat down beside us and went on to explain about the various jab that are available for Renzo and the schedules for when to take them. Also, she handed us a brochure for an optional test, on top of the screens done for G6PD deficiency (lack of an enzyme), Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) and Hearing loss, which is to test for a group of disorders called "Inborn Errors of Metabolism" or IEMs for short. The nurse also suggested that by the look of Renzo, they would have to take a blood sample to test his Jaundice level, so might as well draw enough for this test as well. After a brief discussion, we decided to go for it and were told to go to the lvl4 laboratories to take the blood sample from Renzo.
Again we had to draw a number when we were at the lab. Thankfully we had only about 6 others in front of the queue and the process of drawing blood is a lot faster than other processes. I had just enough time to go down to the level 1 reception to ask for the painkillers and stool softeners for Feli that Thomson Medical Centre staffs had forgotten to give us on our discharge last Friday. I returned to the lab just in time to see poor lil' Renzo being brought into the room by my Mother-in-law to let the nurses draw his blood via heel clipping. OUCH... i hate blood tests... But our brave little warrior took it well. He only arced his brows a bit and softly closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
We returned to the paediatric clinic and continued our wait. And when it was finally our turn we made our way into one of the 2 rooms, and put Renzo down onto a big, round cushion on the table, anxiously waiting for Dr Ong's entrance. Renzo had woken up already and it was about time he had his meal.
Dr Ong stepped into the room with heavy steps. He took a quick look at Renzo and was shocked as we first were when he saw the Umbilical clip still attached onto Renzo.
"We did call up and were told by your staffs that they had forgotten to remove it but assured us that it is okay to have it on, and in fact, almost all public hospitals practice leaving it on until it drops off together with what is left of the umbilical cord," we told him.

Dr Ong instructed one of his nurses to bring in what i think was called the Umbilical Clamp to cut off the clip. Only then did Dr Ong deliver the most uncomfortable message that we have heard since Renzo's birth... "His Jaundice level is very high... 19.9... if it hit 20.0, we'd have to change his blood."
Feli and I dropped our jaws in shock. We didn't expect it to be THAT serious.. but with that said, we agreed with Doc's advice and will be admitting Renzo back to TMC for care and observation until his condition gets better.
It is true that many infants have Jaundice, but usually, a simple 10-15 minutes sunbath in the morning sun (with eyes covered) should be enough to bring the level down. But for Renzo, this few days have been cloudy and the fact that he is born on his 38th week instead of the full 40 weeks, his liver function might be comparatively weaker. Poor baby... at least under the care of the expert doctors and nurses, he'll be healthier soon~!
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