It was a typical morning visit (again we were the first visitors of the day) and Dr Lim Teck Chye stepped in around 9:30... slightly later than usual, though not all that surprising, considering I'd be more surprised if i saw him there at exactly 8:30am. (He apologized to us for keeping us wait as he went to visit 3 of his patients at 3 different hospitals.. Of course we could fully understand that, maybe in 2-3 weeks time he will visit Feli prior to coming into his clinic also?? haha..) When Dr Lim examined Feli, he lightly pressed around on Feli's tummy and said that Renzo's size is normal, not too big not too small. I think it was only when he did the scan did he remember that Renzo has a big head...=P... but it is still at 9.7cm, not much of a growth since last week. But Feli's blood pressure was a little high (She stopped the medication for 1 week as per Dr Lim's advice but her blood pressure just shoot up again..) and Dr Lim suggested that she took a CTG (Cardiotocography) test, the same one that will be used during labour itself.
The process was simple. Basically it was only to strap 2 belts around Feli's belly. One supposedly was used for the reading of Renzo's heartrate and one for Feli's contractions. The annoying part of this test is that it was a one hour test and that I wasn't allowed (or anybody else other than that assigned staff) to be around her, so that the readings will be based on normal conditions. Throughout the hour, poor me walked around the clinic, reading the papers, playing graphically backward soccer games on my Nokia phone and I even took a little 20 minute nap...LoL.

One hour passed and for the second time, we entered Dr Lim's room for consultation. Dr Lim took a quick glance at the graph and readings and smiled. He explained that everything is in good condition. He then took a pen from his pocket, placed it on the graph which represented Feli's contractions and guided it along the Y-axis, onto the graph that represented Renzo's heartbeat. He went on to explain that things would be more complicated if Renzo's heartrate dropped after contraction (as opposed to with the contraction itself). *phew*
Feli then enquired on her weight-lost (a drop of 1.3kg since the week before) and asked if the drop meant anything significant. Dr Lim calmly replied saying that it is not a major issue, and that it could be due to a number of reasons including breakfast intake prior to the visit, frequency of toilet trips prior to the visit and even the weight of mummy's fashion (highlighting that denim jeans are the heaviest) may all be contributing factors. Strange thing is, we never had the habit of having breakfast before coming to the clinic... Feli always go to the toilet first upon stepping into clinic and Feli always wear light clothes to Tow Yung... but heck... no point digging deeper into the issue if all is well eh?
Dr Lim also commented that since Feli's blood pressure is relatively high, maybe we can't wait for the due date but go for induced birth before Aug 22nd, and he will check Feli for cervix dilation during our next week's visit..
And so, we have entered the birth month of Renzo's. Feli's mum will be flying in from China later this week on National Day (that's 9th August for you non-Singaporeans) and then we will all be awaiting for Renzo's arrival with bated breath... ^_^
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