Month 01
- Pregnancy kit test result showed positive on Dec 17, 2008..
- Announced the news to both side parents, Kelly and XiaoDong (Feli's sis and brother-in-law)..
- First visit to Tow Yung Clinic on Dec 26, 2008 (Win couldn't make it as it was a last minute change of appointment on a Friday morning)..
- Reassured by Gynae Dr Lim Teck Chye that the chest X-ray performed on Nov 27, 2008 should not do any harm to baby..
- Felt extremely tired, bloated and sleepy most of the time..
Month 02
- Win's first visit with Dr Lim's at Tow Yung Clinic on Jan 17, 2009..
- Confirmed expected due date is Aug 22, 2009 which is also Win's birthday..
- Dr Lim advised that Feli has slightly oversized yolk sac which might cause early miscarriage..
- Announced the news to Wilson and Lucretia (Win's brother and sis-in-law), they got the news while they were in UAE..
- Went for a 7 days Australia trip with Feli's parents from Jan 31 to Feb 06, 2009..
Month 03
- Announced the news to AiYaH! on Feb 14, 2009..
- Informed Feli's bosses about the news on Feb 18, 2009..
- Feli had a bleeding caused by cervical polyp on Feb 23, 2009..
- Attended Wilson and Lucrecia's wedding on Feb 27, 2009, and a few relatives got to know the news on that day..
- Dr Lim speculated that it's a baby boy..
- Changed from 3cm to 1cm heels..
Month 04
- Started to have water retention..
- Did triple test on Mar 07, 2009 and the result was all good..
- Cleared most of the usual clothes in wardrobe and started to wear "belly belt" (maternity pants extender)..
- Had a "sore nose" during the 1st whole week of 2nd trimester..
- Decided on not hiring a confinement lady..
- Dr Lim advised that placenta is low so might need to opt for C-section..
Month 05
- Did a full scan on Apr 01, 2009 and confirmed it's a baby boy..
- No more ultrasound pictures given after the full scan at 20th week..
- Win started the first post on Renzo's blog on Apr 12, 2009..
- Selected baby's name (both English and Chinese)..
- Announced the news to most colleagues as belly started to show around 5 and half month..
- Started to wear bra extension..
Month 06
- Win felt Renzo's first kick on May 01, 2009..
- Started planning for baby shopping list..
- Placenta moved up and Renzo's head turned down..
- Stopped wearing normal pants with belly belt, changed to leggings..
- Started prenatal exercise following "Fitmama" DVD..
- Paid 1/2 of Gynae package fee and booked hospital ward..
- Started to wear maternity dress (only 2 pieces bought by Kelly, a lot of $$ saved .^_^.)
Month 07
- Official baby shopping started..
- Lecture given by Dr Lim on "signs of labour"..
- Monthly gynae visit changed to bi-weekly..
- Felt a bit of contraction right after entering 3rd trimester..
Month 08
- Feli was given medication to control high blood pressure..
- Dr Lim advised that baby should move 10 times a day from now..
- Hospital bag packed..
- Dr Lim commented that Renzo's head is big..
- Frequent contractions (at least 4 times a day) started..
- Very bad sudden water retention on Jul 21, 2009, with numb fingers for 9 hours..
- Stopped "Fitmama" DVD after 1 day of severe backache (sprained the back during exercise).. Changed to stairs climbing every now and then..
- Started coconut drink twice a week from 34th week..
Month 09
- Dr Lim did internal check on 36th week and commented that Feli's pelvis is of right size for normal delivery..
- Very bad sudden water retention for the second time on Jul 30, 2009..
- Started to feel stronger contractions..
- Bi-weekly gynae visit changed to weekly..
- Thomson Medical Center admission letter collected..
- First stretch mark appeared at 37th week(about 4cm long, light purple color)..
- Dr Lim commented that Renzo's size is normal, but still, head is big..
- Feli did 1 hour CTG test on Aug 01, 2009 due to high blood pressure, result was all good..
- Feli did 1 hour CTG test on Aug08, 2009 again, and Dr Lim was expecting baby Renzo to be born on 09 or 10 since Feli already had quite frequent contractions..
Now just relax and wish that we will welcome our healthy little Renzo in no more than 2 weeks time =P
1 thoughts on this article:
OMG!!! Congratulations to Felicia! Take care~~~~
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