1. Pack for Mummy and you...
Since the jump pack Mummy would have already prepared to bring into labour usually consists of items primarily for baby, Daddies would do well to pack a smaller bag of items for the adults. Here are some of the items to consider (assuming they are not already in the one Mummy packed...
Toiletries - Toothpaste, Toothbrush, shaving blade, etc etc... Feli even brought in her skincare regime set..-__-'
- Chargers - For your phone, your camera, your laptop... whatever power supply you need to be able to ensure that your gadgets don't fail you when you need them the most
- Extra batteries - As above
- Slippers - Unless you are planning on wearing them to the hospital itself (which I recommend not to as labour rooms can be colder than you think... I wore slippers and regretted), slippers are much more convenient, especially if you are staying over with your wife and baby after delivery
- Socks - Both for you and your lady... as mentioned before, labour rooms are cold and socks are nice to have to keep your feet warm
- Reading materials - Or anything that can help you pass your time while waiting... Do take note that the wait may be up to hours... On my experience, we went into the labour ward at about 0515 and baby was born after 1800... that's more than 12 hours of waiting time.. though true that Daddy's role there is to talk to Mummy and to make Mummy comfy... but there are times when you and/or her need rest...
- Extra clothes - Since you'll be there with Mummy most of the time, you might not have the luxury of going back home to bathe and change... Most single bedded wards have a toilet with standing shower
- Medication - If you or Mummy is on medication, don't forget them... And do take precautionary measures and ask the doctors and nurses if it the consumption on Mummy's part will affect labour
- Coins and small change - When the going gets tough, the tough hunts down the closest vending machine for refreshments... Milo and sandwiches are Daddy's best friends...
2. Keep an eye on the CTG readings~!
The Cardiotogograph (or CTG in short) measures the contractions of Mummy and the heartbeat of baby and is done by strapping two belts onto Mummy's belly. Read the ratings to Mummy when her contraction comes and she'll get a rough idea on how much pain she can endure.
3. Be sensitive to the time
Take note of the time whenever something occurs, e.g Mummy's strongest contraction, nurses change the drip, introduction of oxygen/laughing gas, routine checks... Bring a pen and paper and write them down if need be... those timings will prove useful
4. Have it her way

Having labour pains is no joke. It is a pain that it supposedly unlike any other and I guess there is no way that Daddy will ever experience it. But still, Mummy has to release that tension one way or another... If she rants and raves, let her... If she yells and screams, let her... but highlight to her that it doesn't help ease the pain... If she needs to bite onto your forearm, well, good luck... =P
5. Set up your contact list in advance
Though not really as important, but you'll save a lot of time if you prepare the list of people you want/need to contact, both for emergency and for updating on Mummy's progress... I created 3 sms groups in preparation for baby Renzo's birth... 2 lists of closest friends and 1 list of family members... and of course I had Dr Lim Teck Chye's (our Gynae) name card in my wallet
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